“For Maori to realise their dreams through
Technological and Data Sovereignty”
Our Purpose
To establish a world-class Maori Innovation and New Technology Sector in New Zealand
To provide technology leadership, expertise, guidance and assistance for Maori
To foster innovation and creativity that will advance Maori into competitive spaces
To create opportunities for Maori to better realise their potential in the digital world
Our Values
Our values of Wairua, Kotahi, Manaaki, Rawa and Rangatira are embedded in and woven through the actions we take to achieve a dynamic technological ecosystem for Maori.
WAIRUA - Value: To cultivate and grow a Sector that has respect and integrity of purpose
KOTAHI - Connect: To build a strong and sustainable Sector
MANAAKI - Support: Knowledge Culture; Innovation; High Performance; Glocalisation
RAWA - Grow: Sustainable & generative asset base; Ethical production; Data sovereignty
RANGATIRA - Lead: Global champion; Economic wealth; Community resilience & wellbeing
Manukura, Planet Māori (Executive Leadership Team)
Tania Wolfgramm, Sector and Systems Strategist
Wikuki Kingi, Tohunga Toi Ake; Native Science Technologist
Te Aroha Morehu, Technologist; Solutions Specialist
Warren Williams, Business Development; National IT Management
Karaitiana Taiuru, Internet Governance and IT Specialist