Co-creating a World-Class Indigenous Technology and Innovations Sector
Planet Maori - structural dynamics
Planet Maori provides a powerful values driven attractor model that is led by highly dedicated and skilled Manukura / Executive Leadership Team. This is a dynamic structure of cultural, social, ethical, enterprise, and creative leadership that sustainably maintains good governance and management arrangements, systems and processes. Critical to the success of Planet Maori is the development and maintenance of great relationships between all parties and partners. This network of likeminded inventors, technologists, innovators and entrepreneurs is dynamic and adaptive, continuously creating and optimising opportunities for growth and achieving Maori economic and social wellbeing.
MANUKURA - planet Maori EXECUTIVE Leadership Team
We are a passionate, dedicated group of specialists with expertise in bringing people together for a common purpose - that is, bringing Kaumoana - innovators, technologists, content creators, entrepreneurs, personnel, and enthusiastic experts such as yourself and your organisation, to the Kaupapa of the Sector -achieving Technological and Data Sovereignty for Maori.
Dr Tania Haerekitera Wolfgramm, Sector and Systems Strategist
Te Aupouri, Te Whakatohea, Vava’u Tonga
Chief Strategist, Technologist, Designer, Researcher, Specialist (Cultural Psychology, Evaluation), Indigenous Storyteller, Tania is Executive Trustee of Pou Kapua Creations Trust; Director of TE HA VRAR Alliance; and Founder of the HAKAMANA System of Transformative Design, Development, and Evaluation which has been applied across health, education, creative, and technology sectors in many countries. She is currently working with a tech team on designing and developing an AI tool for Indigenous research. She is also the Founder and Executive Director of GRID Pacific. Working with Google Maps and Street View, she has been recording panoramic, high-res, 3D imagery in Aotearoa, Tonga, Rarotonga, and Rapanui in recent years that have been processed and published globally. She has also developed ten Pacific language layers that are mapped into Google Earth Indigenous Languages Layer. See ; ; ;
Wikuki Kingi, Tohunga Toi Ake, Native Science Technologist
Waikato, Ngai Tai, Raukawa, Te Whanau a Apanui, Kati Mamoe
Tohunga, Cultural Symbologist, Native Scientist / Technologist, Creative Designer. Wikuki has an extensive history of designing, creating, and carving marae and artistic and cultural treasures for local and global communities, including the world’s largest Maori / Pacific totem Pou Kapua, now also in virtual reality – Experience and Expertise: Archeosymbology; Global Scientific Linkage; Strategic Intelligence; Indigenous Business R & D; Change Management. He is Tohunga Toi Ake for both Pou Kapua Creations and Whaoatapu Trust; Executive Director of GRID Pacific and TE HA VR Alliance; and Board Member of the Indigenous Education Institute. His insights and lived experience of the Maori, Pacific and Indigenous world allows him to translate, in sign and symbol, our histories, stories, and realities into content that is accessible in multiple media. ;
View Wikuki’s LinkedIn Profile
Te Aroha Grace, Technologist; Solutions Specialist
Ngati Whatua me Nga Puhi Nui Tonu
“He aha te mea nui? He Whakaaro, he Whakaaro, he Whakaaro.”
I am a connector. My role in life is determined by Tane’s initial desire to separate Ranginui and Papatuanuku so that we could establish a conscience in Te Ao Marama. Now, with invisible technology and visible technology at our fingertips we are children of an age where we are re-uniting Ranginui and Papatuanuku. It is our time to re-generate our stories, to establish a contemporary relevance in the kupu of our ancestors…to refresh our ancient purpose, and to prepare for our mission into the stars. Experience and Expertise: Datacentre solutions; National and International Network solutions, growth and strategy; Internet Service Provision – implementation, growth, relationship management, team management
View Te Aroha’s LinkedIn Profile
Dr Karaitiana Taiuru, Internet Governance; Data and IT Specialist
Kāi Tahu/ Ngāti Kahungunu/Ngāti Toa
A nationally recognised Mātauranga and Māori IP expert, while also internationally recognised by academics and media with expertise in: Data Sovereignty, Maori Ethics with emerging technologies, and Digital Colonisation. National and International mainstream and Māori media contact him for expert commentary on Māori cultural issues with Intellectual Property, Digital and Science and Technology impacts with Māori. HIs recognised expertise in Intellectual Property Rights utilises his upbringing in te Ao Māori. His PhD thesis topic was about Māori and Intellectual Property Rights with Gene Technology identifying genetic data as a taonga and data sovereignty rights. Included in the thesis is a number of new engagement and ownership frameworks, ethics and recommendations.
Karaitiana Taiuru has been actively involved with Maori ICT for over 20 years with a myriad of different Maori, govt, non Maori and international groups. He has extensively supported Maori language revitalisation, wrote the proposal for and many other first achievements for Maori and Indigenous Peoples. His commercial background coupled with his te ao Maori and ICT networks will be beneficial for the ICT fund governance board. His extensive Maori ICT achievements can be found at his web site
View Dr Karaitiana’s LinkedIn Profile ;
Dr Warren Williams, Business Development; National IT Management
Warren Williams is the CEO at 20/20 Trust. He has been in the ICT and tertiary education industry for over 25 years. As the National IT manager he had oversight of the IT strategic and operational direction of Te Wananga o Aotearoa, operating from over 60 sites across New Zealand, and responsible for the IT needs of over 1200 staff and more than 20,000 students.
Warren is focussed on strategic ICT relationships and partnerships that provide positive contributions to students and the communities they live in. He feels that through the use of technology, skills and knowledge can be easily accessed wherever they are. Whether it’s from a beach in Gisborne, an office in Auckland, or a coffee shop in Los Angeles. He is an advocate of “mobile” working and encourages people to drive technology to work better, and not let technology drive them. Thus connectivity is crucial to ensure service in whatever industry you work in.